Free energy come from magnet. Free energy with light bulbs by magnet. Let see, How produce the free energy or current by using the magnets. because this topic or this new experiment ideas can make science very easy mode and free. this is more important for developing science . Today our world cannot live without energy. Now tonnes of Walt current are used by many peoples. So only electricity team services cut off the power for consumption and saving. Take it now , solar system. it can produces flow of current when sun is present. It means day time only sun energy can be optimized. Otherwise windmill also like that only when air comes then only its start to store the energy by using generators. So free current is required for our world. Let see tips and ideas for making free current.
Take the materials given below.
One copper wire, One normal or big magnet, one normal bulb.
These are the requirement of making free current .
Take the magnet and copper wire and cover the magnet with cooper wire.
Connect the copper wire and magnet to the bulb. It will on the bulb. Because magnet have power to pull and pushes the object. when object near to the magnet. Cooper wire has freely moving electrons, so it easily move out from the orbit. When electrons are ready to move and there produce some current and give current to the bulb .so peoples you get ready to Know new ideas from our website.
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